



Recommended daily feeding guide and water intake

Please enter the following information for calculation!
Pet type:

Water intake:
Feeding amount:

Recommended number of meals daily

Below 6 months: 4-5 meals

6-12 months: 3 meals

1-3 years old: 2 meals (morning and evening)

4 years old and up: 1 meal for large dogs and cats and 2 meals for small dogs and cats

*Recommended feeding amounts are for reference only. Owners can adjust the feeding amount at ±10% of the recommended amounts based on the needs of individual pets.

*Feeding at regular times and with a regular amount is recommended to help cats and dogs develop good dietary habits.

Best water for pets to drink

The most vital aspect to a pets’ health is their diet. In addition to careful selection of food source, 

owners should always ensure sufficient water intake is met. What is the best water to drink for pets?



✘ 自來水

✘ 礦泉水

✘ 純淨水

✔ 煮沸水冷卻後容器存放

Methods to help cats

drink more water

✔ Keep the water dispenser clean and change with fresh water frequently.

✔ Fountain or automatic water dispensers

✔ Lukewarm water

✔ Add canned soup or unsalted, cooked broth

Methods to help dogs

drink more water

✔ Put more water dispensers at different locations.

✔ Keep the water dispenser clean and change with fresh water frequently.

✔ Automatic water dispensers

✔ Add ice to the water

✔ Add canned soup or unsalted, cooked broth

✔ Stroll or increasing physical activity

✔ Turning drinking water into a game for interaction

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